A40 Elmbridge Court Roundabout Improvements

The purpose of the scheme was to enhance the capacity of Elmbridge Court Roundabout by providing two additional lanes on the approaches and one additional lane on departure. The project also included the construction of a straight on two lane, one-way link, known as a “Hamburger Lane” through the Roundabout.

Additional works included widening of the A40 Golden Valley from three to five lanes on the northern side of the carriageway necessitating a 13m extension of two pedestrian subways and installation of new surface water pump stations beneath both subways.

24-hour traffic signals were also provided on three of the five connections to the roundabout.

Two gabion retaining walls were constructed totalling 230m in length and significant dewatering works were required to allow access to extend an existing culvert by approx. 10m, achieved by using a corrugated steel pipe to accommodate the widening of the A40 Golden Valley.

Multiple service diversions were undertaken, including foul water, extension telecoms, power cable trenching and ducting.

Works also included:

  • Renewal of the existing drainage system throughout the site
  • Tree protection and environmental mitigation measures
  • New pedestrian footways
  • Upgraded street lighting, new traffic lights and signage installed

Critically, an extensive traffic management regime was phased to maintain the full capacity of the existing carriageways and keep disruption to a minimum.

Traffic management was restricted to 9.30am – 3pm.

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