Caldicot Town Centre Improvements

Griffiths successfully completed the Church Road Active Travel and Green Infrastructure Improvements in Caldicot in June 2021. The purpose of the project was to enhance the Cross area of Caldicot Town Centre as a space that supports local wellbeing, enterprise and a destination that links the town centrewith its immediate neighbourhoodsand Caldicot Castle and Country Park.

Our work focused primarily on three key areas on Church Road –St Mary’s Church, Castle & Country Park entrances and Castle Park Primary School.

The installation of new discrete slot drainage system was far more aesthetically pleasing than traditional gully gratings and grid systems, along with the natural stone street furniture and granite setts across the carriageway. The creation of parking bays and new bus boarding platform and the installation of natural stone kerbs, planters, bollards and paving to widened footpaths complete the new enhancement features.

The site team worked closely with the client and public liaison officer to identify potential problems with any key dates by planning together the phasing of works, instigating any necessary road closures or diversions and coordinating access for deliveries to shops.

Night timeroad closures enabled resurfacing works to be carried out with minimal impact and disruption which was essential to the successful delivery of the project. Key to this success was good communication with Client, public and stakeholders.

Excavated concrete products were removed to an off-site recycling facility for crushing, grading and recycled sub-base reused.

Our highly trained, dedicated team were able to use their experience to locate existing services, which is one of the main challenges working in town centreswhere often records are old and out of date.

Community Initiatives

Community Benefits included the provision of materials to construct the extension to the hall for the Male Voice Choir.
Landscaping: trees and shrubs –children’s /community planting.

Donation of pallets to the school to reuse them for various activities such as building bug hotels and planters along with sunflower seed as part of their outdoor learning campaign and World Bee Day. Following tree felling at another project, we were able to donate logs to create a seating area for reading time in the nature corner.

Lifting innovation: Developed and manufactured a small hand heldlifting tool to move and place granite setts, which is a difficult and repetitive process and remove RSA problems.

Key Project Aspects:

  • Town Centre Improvements
  • Maintaining Public Access
  • Kerbingand Footways
  • Community Engagement

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