The Llangefni Link Road Sections 1 and 2 project is a strategically important infrastructure scheme promoted by Isle of Anglesey CC. The project was designed to help enhance the many changes on Anglesey and the County town of Llangefni over the next 20 years, including the Wylfa Newydd Nuclear New Build, expansion of Coleg Menai Llangefni Campus and other proposed major developments.
Sections 1 and 2 have seen the construction of a new 1.5km road from Coleg Menai Llangefni Campus to the B5420 Lon Penmynydd and then linking through to the existing Bryn Cefni Business Park road. Works also included the construction of an online, 10m radius roundabout and full length shared use footpath.
Works required significant service diversions including water mains, fibre optic cables, gas and overhead BT apparatus. A foul sewer was also extended and connected to an existing rising main and will serve the future developments.
The scheme now enables traffic to move more freely around the town centre. The link road will act as a catalyst for a number of significant economic benefits to the area. Most notably, it will enable the growth and expansion of the college campus and provide improved access to the Enterprise Zone sites. Additionally, the scheme will improve linkages with the A55 and help overcome traffic constraints in Llangefni.
During site clearance works work numerous graves were discovered on the road alignment. An Archaeological Watching Brief was maintained throughout the topsoil strip with Brython Archaeology working with Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service to oversee the works. In total 52 early Christian graves were discovered across the site – a 1,500 year-old find of national importance. 300 members of the public, including students from local schools, were invited to a Site Open Day during which they were given the opportunity to see some of the archaeological work in progress and view some of the artefacts that had been unearthed.
The project was awarded the ICE Wales Cymru Heritage Award. The award recognises excellence in concept, planning, design, contract management and construction of projects in Wales.
Published in the ICE Awards 2017 Booklet– “The judges felt that this project is notable for the efforts that were made by the project team to properly record and deal with the ancient buried human remains found when the works commenced on site whilst, at the same time, minimising disruption to the planned road works which will enable the development of Coleg Llandrillo and the Bryn Cefni Business Park.
It is commended for the special care and attention that has been given to design considerations, appearance and environmental considerations, use of materials and labour and value engineering. The project is also commended for effective contract management and completion on time despite extraordinary unforeseen circumstances. The judges were also impressed with the partnering, collaborative working, site health and safety, value engineering and, in particular, working with the community.